The lack of water is a secular problem in the Brazilian northeastern hinterland. The villages assisted by the Amigos do Bem are concentrated in the Polygon of Droughts on Brazilian Northeast, a region that suffers the most on these dry periods. To reduce the suffering of thousands of families and provide access to drinking water, we drill artesian wells, build cisterns and take water trucks to the most remote communities, so that thousands of people do not have to walk miles in search of water.
747 million
liters of water are distributed per year
artesian wells were drilled
cisterns were built

To lessen the effects of drought, we invested in drilling and maintaining artesian wells. They provide a better quality of life for families who suffer from thirst.
We built cisterns to store drinking water and benefit thousands of people who once walked miles under the scorching sun in search of water.

We take thousands of water trucks to the farthest villages to alleviate the suffering of the population that does not have access to basic resources, such as water.
In 2009, we achieved one of our greatest goals: water canalization in Torrões (AL), a region which suffered from extreme drought for centuries.