

250/5000 Amigos do Bem is run by the largest active volunteer group in the country, there are more than 9,600 people who, with love and commitment, dedicate their time and skills for believing in our cause and in the transformation of lives. Being a volunteeris transformative.

9 600

active volunteers


volunteer work teams

370 000

hours dedicated to good per year


Our Head Office, in São Paulo, is where the transformation begins. Receipting, screening, restoration and organization of donations that will be sent to the hinterland take place there. Food, clothing, toys and other items are forwarded to the various departments and volunteers work so that everything is in perfect condition to be delivered to those who need it most.


Before the actions of food distribution in the villages served by Amigos do Bem, our volunteers give socio-educational lectures. The Transformation Project was created to teach concepts of citizenship and awareness to those who have never been to school, to strengthen family bases, socialization and community coexistence. They are lectures on human and citizen development, sexual orientation, hygiene and family behavior.



Volunteer pedagogues closely monitor all our educational projects. They develop teaching materials and empower local educators to ensure the quality of teaching. In the municipalities where we operate, the Basic Education Development Indexes (IDEB) have improved and became, in some cases, the highest in the region.


Volunteer doctors from various clinical specialties travel to the backcountry every month to meet and accompany the people registered in the project. They are doctors in general practice, gynecologists, cardiologists, infectologists, ophthalmologists and dentists.



Victory Project’s main objective is the recovery of alcohol addicts. Our volunteers give lectures with educational and awareness content for the patient and family members to improve living at home and stimulate the change of attitudes and perspectives.


Every month, thousands of Amigos do Bem volunteers mobilize to collect food in supermarkets in São Paulo.

Donations are organized in our Head Office to be delivered monthly to thousands of needy families in the hinterland.

Arrecadação de alimentos


Every month, thousands of Amigos do Bem volunteers mobilize to collect food in supermarkets in São Paulo.

Donations are organized in our Head Office to be delivered monthly to thousands of needy families in the hinterland.

List of Participating Stores of Food Collection

CARREFOUR - ANÁLIA FRANCO: ViLA Regente Feijó - São Paulo (S)Av. Regente Feijó, 1.759
CARREFOUR - ANCHIETA: Vila Vermelha - São Paulo (SP)Via Anchieta, 3.398 – km 11,15
CARREFOUR - ARICANDUVA: Jardim Aricanduva - São Paulo (SP)Av. Rio Das Pedras, 555
CARREFOUR - CAMBUCI: Cambuci - São Paulo (SP)Praça Alberto Lion, 100
CARREFOUR - ELDORADO: Pinheiros - São Paulo (SP)Av. Rebouças, 3.970
CARREFOUR - IMIGRANTES: Bosque da Saúde - São Paulo (SP)Rua Ribero Lacerda, 940
CARREFOUR - LIMÃO: Limão - São Paulo (SP)Av. Otaviano Alves de Lima, 1.824
CARREFOUR - ORATÓRIO: Bangú - Santo André (SP)Rua do Oratório, 85
CARREFOUR - PENHA: Penha de França - São Paulo (SP)Rua Amador Bueno da Veiga s/n (altura do 2.600).
CARREFOUR - SANTO ANDRÉ: Paraíso - Santo André (SP)Av.Pedro Américo, 23
CARREFOUR - SÃO CAETANO DO SUL: Fundação - São Caetano do Sul (SP)Rua Adquidabã, s/nº
CARREFOUR - SHOPPING PAMPLONA: Jardim Paulista - São Paulo (SP)R. Pamplona, 1704 - Jardim Paulista
CARREFOUR - TATUAPÉ: Tatuapé - São Paulo (SP)Av. Salim Farah Maluf , s/nº
CARREFOUR - SHOPPING CENTER NORTE: Tucuruvi - São Paulo (SP)Av. Moisés Roysen - S/N - Vila Guilherme, São Paulo - SP
CARREFOUR - VERGUEIRO: Centro - São Bernardo do Campo (SP)Av. Senador Vergueiro, 2000, S.B.Campo
CARREFOUR - VILA MARIA: Vila Guilherme - São Paulo (SP)Av. Morvan Dias Figueiredo, 3.177
EXTRA - AEROPORTO: Santo Amaro - São Paulo (SP)Av. Washington Luis, 5.859
EXTRA - ANCHIETA: Paulicéia - São Bernardo do Campo (SP)Rua Garcia Lorca,301 – VL. Paulicéia
EXTRA - BOSQUE MAIA: Centro - Guarulhos (SP)Av. Salgado Filho, 1301 – Centro
EXTRA - BRIGADEIRO: Bela Vista - São Paulo (SP)Av. Brigadeiro Luis Antonio, 2.013
EXTRA - DUTRA: - GUARULHOS (SP)Rod. Pres. Dutra, s/nº – KM 397,65 -Shop. Internacional de Guarulhos
EXTRA - FREGUESIA DO O: Freguesia do Ó - São Paulo (SP)Av. Nossa Senhora do Ó, 1.759 / 2.003
EXTRA - GUARULHOS: Jardim Santa Francisca - Guarulhos (SP)Av. Antonio de Souza, 186
EXTRA - ITAIM BIBI: Vila Nova Conceição - São Paulo (SP)Av. João Cachoeira, 899   –  Itaim
EXTRA - ITAQUERA: Vila Campanela - São Paulo (SP)Av. José Pinheiro Borges - Dentro do Shopping Itaquera
EXTRA - JAGUARÉ: Vila Lageado - São Paulo (SP)Av.Corifeu de Azevedo Marques, 4.160 / 4.170
PÃO DE AÇUCAR - BORBA GATO - Santo Amaro - São Paulo (SP)Av. Santo Amaro, 5460 - Santo Amaro
EXTRA - MOÓCA: Mooca - São Paulo (SP)Rua Javari, 403 – Esq com a Paes de Barros.
EXTRA - MORUMBI: Vila Almeida - São Paulo (SP)Av. Marginal do Rio Pinheiros, 16.741
EXTRA - PENHA: Vila Marieta - São Paulo (SP)Av. São Miguel , 962 / 1.006
EXTRA - RICARDO JAFET: Vila Santa Eulalia - São Paulo (SP)Av. Ricardo Jafet, 1.501
EXTRA - SÃO CAETANO DO SUL: Centro - São Caetano do Sul (SP)Rua Senador Vergueiro, 428
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - ABILIO SOARES: Paraíso - São Paulo (SP)Rua Abilio Soares, 386 Paraíso
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - ANA ROSA: Vila Mariana - São Paulo (SP)Rua Domingos de Morais, 486
PÃO DE AÇUCAR - ANALIA FRANCO: ANÁLIA FRANCO - SAO PAULO (SP)Av Regente Feijó, 1425 (dentro da nova Leroy Merlin)
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - ANGÉLICA: Higienópolis - São Paulo (SP)Av Angelica, 1696
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - CARDOSO DE ALMEIDA: Perdizes - São Paulo (SP)Rua Cardoso de Almeida, 472
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - MOEMA - São Paulo (SP)Av. Ibirapuera, 3068 - Moema
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - IBIRAPUERA - São Paulo (SP)Av. Ibirapuera, 1770 - Ibirapuera
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - JOAQUIM FLORIANO - Itaim Bibi - São Paulo (SP)R. Joaquim Floriano, 24 Itaim Bibi
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - JABAQUARA: Jabaquara - São Paulo (SP)Avenida Eng. Armando Ar.Pereira, 2.022
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - JARDIM PAULISTA: Jardim Paulista - São Paulo (SP)Avenida Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, 3.126
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - OSCAR FREIRE: Cerqueira César - São Paulo (SP)Alameda Ministro Rocha Azevedo, 1.136
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - PRAÇA PANAMERICANA: Alto de Pinheiros - São Paulo (SP)Praça Panamericana, 217
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - REAL PARQUE: Butantã - São Paulo (SP)Av. Magalhães de Castro, 6.118
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - RICARDO JAFET: Jardim Vila Mariana - São Paulo (SP)Rua Professor Serafim Orlandi, 299
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - SÃO CAETANO: Santa Paula - São Caetano do Sul (SP)Rua Maranhão, 975
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - TATUAPE: Vila Gomes Cardim - São Paulo (SP)Rua Serra de Bragança, 647
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - TEODORO SAMPAIO: Pinheiros - São Paulo (SP)Rua Teodoro Sampaio, 1.933
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - VILA CLEMENTINO: Vila Clementino - São Paulo (SP)Av. Dr. Altino Arantes, 268
PÃO DE AÇÚCAR - WASHINGTON LUIS: Chacará Monte Alegre - São Paulo (SP)Av. Washington Luis, 3919
BIG - PACAEMBURua James Holland, N°668 - Barra Funda

“Volunteering is the force behind all the transformation we generate. This force applied efficiently and, especially love, results in concrete actions.”



Concentrated in the city of São Paulo, today, more than 9,600 volunteers support our cause and represent one of the largest active social groups in the country. They participate in various activities, such as collection and distribution of food, screening of donations and restoration of toys. They also travel every month to closely monitor the projects in the hinterland.

For more information on how to be a volunteer, please send an email to
[email protected]